Luxurious Transport Services in Thessaloniki – Luxury Taxi Services in Thessaloniki
Safe transport to your destination, available any time you need it!
Travel in Greece or abroad, from airports, bus stations and ports.
In cooperation with professional guides, we can visit archeological sites etc.
Reliability, comfort, safety and luxury on every trip!
My name is Dimitris Satidis and I have been a taxi driver since 1999. I took the initiative for this profession by my father, who was also a professional driver since 1965.
The security, comfort and luxury of the transport is guaranteed by the car, which is a MERCEDES E220 ELEGANCE. The car also features a panoramic roof, that will make your transportation a little bit more enjoyable.
All technical check-ups and maintenance of the vehicle (MERCEDES BENZ E220 ELEGANCE) are frequently made by expert engineers of a MERCEDES BENZ authorized service partner.
Daily check-ups are also made before every drive, to make all arranged transports better and safer!
Transport of business executives from and to Airports, Ports and Stations for all their business meetings.
Transport for visitors from and to offices, hotels, restaurants and anywhere else they wish to go.
Transport for travels from and to Museums, Archeological Sites, Alternative Destinations and more.
Professional Highly professional service. Demetris was also friendly and understanding with our needs. His suggestion were the best... highly recommended 👌 ElenaI200214/11/2022 Booking with Dimitris means you'll be in safe hands I was visiting Sallonica and wanted to go on a day trip to Vergina and Veria. I was genuinely a bit worried booking a taxi/ chaffeur service online. Dimitris was on time and proper in all respects....... professional, punctual, careful driver with a new and strong car...... and by the end of the day he becomes a friend........ highly recommended, don't hesitate booking with him. DPA14/11/2022 Ανεση και ασφάλεια Ακριβως στην ωρα του ,γρηγορος, ευγενεστατος και εξυπηρετικός.Καλες τιμεςΦτασαμε στον προορισμό μας με ανεση και ασφάλεια! Συνιστάται ανεπιφύλακτα Anastasia M16/08/2022 Μεταφορά δύο ανήλικων παιδιών στο σχολείο τους Ο κ. Σατίδης ειναι πραγματικα επαγγελματίας,αγαπά αυτό που κάνει, πάντα με σεβασμό στον πελάτη παρέχοντας υψηλές υπηρεσίες ακόμη και στην πιο απλή διαδρομή.Του εμπιστεύομαι τα παιδιά μου χρόνια για να τα μεταφέρει στο σχολείο τους και ειμαι απόλυτα ευχαριστημένη τόσο ως προς την καθαριότητα,όσο και ως προς την ευγένεια και την συνέπειά του. Αλεξια Μ25/07/2022 Ένας συνεπής καθαρός τίμιος φίλος οδηγο Ο Δημήτρης από ένας οδηγός εχει μετατραπεί σε ένα καλό φίλο....Στις εκδρομές μας έχει γνωρίσει τόπους που ούτε το είχαμε φανταστεί ότι υπήρχαν.Στα επαγγελματικά ραντεβού η συνέπεια η εμπιστοσύνη κι ο ακριβής προγραμματισμος μας χαρίζουν χρόνο για περισσότερες δραστηριότητες Για μας Θεσσαλονίκη σημαίνει Δημητρης. Σε ευχαριστούμε Δημήτρη Σατίδης Marina P21/07/2022 If you need a ride don' t think twice! Unexpectactlly good! Wasn't expecting from a taxi driver to be that professional and also kind and friendly! If you need a ride don' t think twice! Mr Demetris is defenatelly a guarantee! Παναγιώτης Μ19/07/2022 First class experience Dimitris starts off as an excellent, first class taxi driver but quickly becomes a friend. He is welcoming, courteous and extremely knowledgeable about his beloved Thessaloniki and Macedonia.Travelling with Dimitris is not only cool and comfortable but rather like enjoying an educational tour of Greece, both past and present.Nothing is too much trouble and you know that every time you step into his car you will be treated to new delights and an introduction to the spiritual depths of this amazing land. David J19/07/2022 Ευχάριστη έκπληξη Υποδειγματική εξυπηρέτηση. Άψογα και καθαρά τα οχήματα. Ακρίβεια στον χρόνο της παραλαβής και μεταφοράς.Πάνω απ' όλα όμως η ευγένεια και καλλιέργεια του προσωπικού. Εκπλήσσεσαι ευχάριστα για την ποιότητα των υπηρεσιών. Takis Papathanasopoulos18/07/2022 Very recommended Service on premium level. I recieved not a ride only but interpretation of Greek history like a little bit of sightseeing and tourist guide. Price is 10-20 percent higher tha average. Dimitris 's taxi were not average but luxurious, clean, air conditioned, no smell of cigaretts. ( Normally greek taxis are not like this) Emese Z22/05/2022 The most proffessional I have ever met. 3rd time for me to visit Szaloniki, and I always call him, due to his courtesy, loxorius car, and polite attitude to the passengers. Not only the car is luxorius, but the service as well, due to Him. I advice his cervice with the certainty of statisfaction. I you call him, the part (“how to get somewhere”) of your trip will be DONE!!!!! Wherever I go to Szaloniki, I call only him krisztina s20/05/2022
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